BottleDrop Staff Carrying Bags of Containers

Retailer Services: Powered by OBRC

Learn about OBRC retailer services or request store pick-ups, machine repairs, or other services we provide for participating retailers.

OBRC Retailer Portal Login

Use the OBRC retailer portal to manage UPCs and review store pick-up records.

Logo Shape

  • 2,115
    Retail locations served by OBRC
  • 269
    Locations with self-serve return machines
  • 402
    Self-serve machines OBRC services

Retailer Basics

Beverage retailers in Oregon are required to participate in the Oregon bottle deposit and return program. BottleDrop and OBRC are here to help. To learn the basics of the the Oregon beverage container deposit law, visit the OLCC’s bottle bill page. To learn more about working with OBRC and BottleDrop, check out our BottleDrop Express retailer fact sheet and our OBRC retailer sorting requirements. Still have questions? Scroll down for our FAQs and contact information specifically for retailers.


Need a pick-up from your store, more hand count or RVM bags, or empty totes? Contact Route Operations by email or call (503) 973-6956.

Having a problem with your RVM, need receipt tape, or new keys? Contact Field Services by email or call (503) 973-6969.

Get in touch with Corporate and Retail Relations

  • Looking into a reverse vending machine

    Corporate Relations


    For managing retailers’ OBRC services such as placement of new reverse vending equipment, new BottleDrop Express locations, or participation in BottleDrop Refillables.

  • Bags and boxes filled with Oregon refund beverage containers

    Retail Relations


    For inquires about OBRC services provided to retailers.