Hidden Bottle Hunt Hall of Fame and Archive of Clues and Explanations

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Creating a Legacy of Adventure and Giving

Four years, 24 total hunts all across Oregon, and countless memories and laughs. With thousands of hunters cracking clues and chasing bottles each year, a select group of super sleuths has emerged. Congratulations to our 21 (and counting) hidden bottle finders (three repeat finders) and to the outstanding nonprofits they’ve selected to receive a donation in their honor.

2024 Bottle Finders

2023 Bottle Finders

2022 Bottle Finders

2021 Bottle Finders

2024 Clues and Explanations

2023 Clues and Explanations

2022 Clues and Explanations

2021 Clues and Explanations

The treasure we’d have really liked to find is a hidden bottle!

— The Goonies (probably, if they knew about the Hunt)
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