The Lane County Diaper Bank is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on improving our community through programs that solve previously unnoticed problems, including baby diapers and wipes. We are the only program like ours, with no government subsidy specifically for diapers families have very few options. Together, we are ending diaper need in our communities!
Lift Urban Portland aims to reduce hunger and improve the lives of homeless and low-income residents in Downtown and NW Portland. We fight food insecurity by offering a variety of food assistance services to residents in NW and Downtown Portland including a shopping style pantry, delivered food boxes, and a supper club series.
Member of Assembly Of God Org.
We are raising money to provide food, clothing and toiletries for the homeless. Right now we are doing sack lunches instead of a meal but as soon as we can we will start serving a full meal. We want to expand to an evening meal on Fridays.
Linnton Community Center are broadly, to enrich life, build character and develop a community consciousness for the benefit of all persons who live or work in the Linnton Community, including persons of all races, nationalities and creeds. To this end the Linnton Community Centers purpose will be to provide wholesome and useful activities and continuing enhancement of public facilities and services within the Linnton Community. The Linnton Community Center shall not discriminate in its policies, recommendations or actions against any individual or group on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, handicap, national origin, income or political affiliation