Our mission is to bring people together to end hunger and its root causes.
This month, as with every month, more than 45,000 people–including 15,000 children– safely access food through the Marion Polk Food Share partner network. This food may be a hot meal served at a shelter, a free community meal served at a church, or as an emergency food box from a food pantry. This nutritious food will stave off hunger for an individual or family when they need it most.
Maslow Project is a nonprofit grassroots organization based in Southern Oregon providing street outreach and basic needs, crisis intervention and advocacy, and essential support services to homeless children and youth–ages 0-21–and their families throughout Jackson and Josephine County.
Roughly one out of every 10 students in Jackson County meets the Federal definition of homeless. In fact, Oregon has one of the highest percentages of homeless children in the nation, with Jackson County having the 2nd highest number of homeless students in the state (over 2,300).
You might be surprised to find out who these youth are:
Most are homeless along with their entire family
Approximately 500 of Maslow Project’s clients are aged five and younger
The average age of the youth we work with is 10 years old
Approximately 415 youth are unaccompanied (without a parent or guardian)
Maslow Project’s mission is to find these kids, ensure their basic survival needs are met (food, clothing, safety), and support them as they work toward reaching higher-level goals. We focus on “the big picture”– making sure kids can get to, and stay in school–learning valuable life skills, becoming employable, and ultimately, finishing their education.