Urban Nature Partners PDX empowers youth beginning in 4th grade from historically marginalized Portland communities through long term one-on-one mentoring relationships and access to meaningful outdoor experiences.
Our program provides weekly one-on-one outings in neighborhood greenspaces, monthly family inclusive group events, scholarships to partner-led, nature-based camps, and leadership opportunities guided by the interests and strengths of each youth.
We envision a city where all youth have equal access to nature-based programs, and the mental health benefits of time spent outdoors, regardless of their background.
The purpose of the VFW is to speed rehabilitation of the nation’s disabled and needy veterans, assist veterans’ widows and orphans and the dependents of needy or disabled veterans, and promote Americanism by means of education in patriotism and by constructive service to local communities. The organization maintains both its legislative service and central office of its national rehabilitation service in Washington. The latter nationwide program serves disabled veterans of all wars, members and nonmembers alike, in matters of U.S. government compensation and pension claims, hospitalization, civil-service employment preference, and etc.