Glisan Redemption Center — Temporary Operational Change

Tue & Wed, March 18 & 19 — Self-serve machines will be unavailable.
All individual container counts will be done by Stream Count at the Bulk Count station.

🔸 The drop door will be open 🔸

Animals & Pets Nonprofits

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Donate » Animals & Pets


We're a family style, ran, and founded non profit 501c3 dog rescue just outside of Eugene. We rescue the "last chance" dogs, provide medical care and spay/neuter for our community as well as support our adopters for life. We also offer boarding for all dog breeds and temperaments to support our rescue dogs. We strive to support our community with education, medical support, training, children's education, and have started Oregon's FIRST sanctuary. We never give up on our dogs.

Learn more about SevaDog

Shelter Animal Resource Alliance (S.A.R.A.)

S.A.R.A. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue organization that rescues, assists, & advocates for homeless & shelter animals who are at risk of euthanasia. The rescued animals in our care are provided a safe and comfortable environment to live in, all necessary medical care, high-quality food and treats, and plenty of love and attention until we are able to find them their forever homes. For more information, check out our website:

Learn more about Shelter Animal Resource Alliance (S.A.R.A.)