For the past 17 years we have provided free diabetes education to over 50,000 people through our health fairs, monthly support group meetings, weekly Diabetes Made Simple classes, one-on-one consultations, and donated diabetes supplies. All of this has been free due to the generosity of our supporters. In December we will launch our Diabetes Made Simple videos through CCMedia and are seeking sponsors for same. Thank you!
OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital offers the most advance care in the region in a family-friendly setting. We heal children today while working toward tomorrow's cures. With your help, we can ensure that all children in Oregon and our region can benefit from the exceptional care and research breakthroughs Doernbecher has to offer.
Douglas CARES is Douglas County's child abuse intervention center. We serve children who have been sexually or physically abused or neglected. We provide mental health assessments, forensic interviews, medical examinations, and clinical therapy for the children and non offending parents.