Non-profit fraternal charitable organization. All can/bottle funds go toward sending children with Diabetes to Gales Creek Camp, near Forest Grove. The children learn to control diets by eating healthy, check their own blood sugar levels, inject their insulin, and learn to lead a very productive, healthy life, given their disorder. The Junction City Lions Club send 8-10 chiildren to this camp each year.
Since 1977, we have sought to focus on each instant as providing an opportunity for a therapeutic intervention, a teachable moment. We collaborate with young people, families, and communities across Oregon to provide intensive mental health services and instill hope. We understand and value mental and emotional wellness, and aim to provide opportunities for understanding, healing, and growth in safe and stable environments where every client can achieve excellence.
We improve the health and well-being of children in Central Oregon by providing critical preventative, educational and dental treatment services for children whose families cannot access basic dental care. We do this through our dental clinic facility, screen and seal program events at local schools and community partner organization venues, with subsequent follow-up and referrals to volunteer dental professionals as needed. We provide portable preventative dental services to children and young adults regardless of insurability at various convenient locations. Kemple Clinic advocates for all children in need of timely, high quality dental care.
Lion's Clubs International motto "We SERVE" says it all. LCI's focus is on providing, preserving, and/or restoring sight and hearing. King City Lion's also help support our community each month through local food pantries, homeless shelters.and blood drives.
Kinship House is a non-profit that was founded in 1996 and provides outpatient mental health services to foster and adopted children and their families. We specialize in championing children and families with target interventions during all stages of foster care, reunification, and adoption. In over twenty years of providing expert mental health services, we have served thousands of local children on their journey to the care only a permanent and healthy family can provide. With almost 3,000 children in foster care annually in the Tri-county area, we support foster children as they find their forever home. Our mission is to champion the successful permanency of each foster child who comes to our door. We understand that each individual’s unique history, culture, and needs must be considered as they journey to stable, healthy homes.