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Oregon City Service Learning Academy (OCSLA)

Oregon City Service Learning Academy (OCSLA) is a public charter high school sponsored by the Oregon City School District. As a charter school, OCSLA is open to students in the Oregon City School District as well to students who wish to apply from neighboring school districts. Students that choose to attend OCSLA will receive a comprehensive, balanced high school education and will earn a standard Oregon high school diploma. Service learning is an approach to teaching and learning that combines academic classroom curriculum with meaningful work and community service experiences. The concept behind service learning is to help integrate students into their community and instruct them in the history and culture of where they live. Students can expect to participate in and complete assignments, projects, and reflections related to community service and local work experiences as a regular part of the curriculum. Juniors and Seniors participate in internships as a part of their curriculum. OCSLA has over 100 business and community partners. This experience helps our students to become college and career ready. OCSLA offers a small, personable school environment where students are able to interact with each other and with their teachers. We offer small class sizes and access to and funding for Clackamas Community College Courses. In addition to classroom instruction, we offer on-line curriculum and opportunities to recover lost credits while earning new credits towards graduation through core classes. OCSLA also provides activities that can earn high school and college credit through real world work experiences and community service activities. Additional services include academic interventions and layers of support for all students so they can experience success and remain on-track to graduate.

Learn more about Oregon City Service Learning Academy (OCSLA)

Oregon Education Association Foundation

Every day somewhere in Oregon, teachers and support professionals working in Oregon's public schools encounter students who are in need. Established in 1995, the OEA Foundation provides educators with up to $100 grants to help students meet basic, urgent and immediate needs so they can succeed in school. Cash grants from the Foundation fill needs unmet by any other source. Unfortunately, and particularly in this economic climate, the need is ever-present and continues to grow in Oregon.

Learn more about Oregon Education Association Foundation