Donate to a Nonprofit
Donate from your BottleDrop account balance or support our nonprofit partners with BottleDrop Give Blue Bags.
Are you a nonprofit looking to fundraise with us? We can help.
Two Ways to Donate
Donate From Your Balance Online
Search our list of participating nonprofits and click ‘Donate’ to transfer funds from a BottleDrop account to a nonprofit. Search for participating nonprofits here.
Support A BottleDrop Give Fundraiser
We regularly feature outstanding BottleDrop Give nonprofit organizations. Discover how you can participate in a nonprofit’s Blue Bag efforts.
Participating Nonprofit Fundraisers and Charities
Search our list of thousands of participating nonprofits or browse them by category below.
Animals & Pets
265 Nonprofits
Environmental & Conservation
157 Nonprofits
Hunger & Poverty
262 Nonprofits
Medical & Health
286 Nonprofits
722 Nonprofits
Religious & Spiritual
652 Nonprofits
Schools & Education
1649 Nonprofits
Sports & Recreation
878 Nonprofits
Youth Development & Scouting
326 Nonprofits