Glisan Redemption Center — Temporary Operational Change

Tue & Wed, March 18 & 19 — Self-serve machines will be unavailable.
All individual container counts will be done by Stream Count at the Bulk Count station.

🔸 The drop door will be open 🔸

Family Dogs New Life Shelter

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Donate » Animals & Pets » Family Dogs New Life Shelter
Family Dogs New Life is a no kill, kennel free, dog shelter devoted to rescuing needy dogs of all breeds, ages and backgrounds. We believe that all dogs deserve a second chance at a new life. We are here for the dogs who have no other options. This includes dogs that other shelters do not have space for, long term residents who have run out of time or dogs that are struggling in the conventional shelter environment. Our mission, simply, is to help reduce the number of dogs being euthanized. FDNLS is unique in that we do not house our dogs in kennels or dog runs, but in large play groups or ‘packs’ of anywhere from 8-20 dogs living loose together. We typically have 35-50 dogs in our shelter at all times. Because of our group housing all our dogs are able to play and interact all day long, just like a doggy daycare or dog park. It’s not about being the perfect dog, it is about dog and adopter being perfect for one another. Visit our website at