Glisan Redemption Center — Temporary Operational Change

Tue & Wed, March 18 & 19 — Self-serve machines will be unavailable.
All individual container counts will be done by Stream Count at the Bulk Count station.

🔸 The drop door will be open 🔸

Saving Grace Inc

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Donate » Animals & Pets » Saving Grace Inc
Saving Grace, Inc. is a 501(c)3 private, non-profit organization dedicated to the direct care of homeless, abandoned or neglected animals in Douglas County, Oregon. Our mission is to provide temporary refuge, basic veterinary care and a pathway home for companion animals who are homeless in Douglas County so that we may create a more humane community. We are the county’s only full-service open-admission animal shelter, providing shelter, food and medical care to thousands of animals each year.​ Beyond the basics, each animal receives compassionate care from our staff and volunteers while they wait to be reunited with their families or to find a new home. Warm blankets, toys and treats, time spent socializing with caring people; all are a part of the animals’ experience at Saving Grace. We look forward to growing along with our community and being able to offer more programs geared towards keeping pets and their people together. With your help, we can make Douglas County a more humane place for people and pets.